In 2008, a new way of using GPS technology appeared out in the Western mountains. With the unlikely name of “Flaik” (generally, I wouldn’t think of suggesting that electronics might be “flaky”!), it consists of a coded GPS receiver that straps to a skier’s leg, and records where they are, how fast they’re skiing, how much vertical they’re doing, all in real time. Interesting technology, but how does it affect those of us who ski in the east? Simple. Two years later, there are 3 Eastern mountains using it; Smugglers’ Notch, Stratton Mountain, and Mont Tremblant.
But what does this mean for you? Other than being a cute toy, does it have a significant use? The answer is a qualified yes. I tried the Flaik system last winter at Smugglers’ Notch (daily rental cost is $19.95), and found that it had some real value. The first use is probably the most obvious one; put it on the kids. When Susan’s son Daniel, then 12, was off wandering around trails by himself, it was nice to know that he’d be easily found if the instructors needed him. In fact, Smuggs puts Flaik receivers on all of their child students, just to make sure nobody gets lost. For us, as the usual nervous adults, it meant we really didn’t have to worry about him getting onto the wrong trail, winding up at the wrong base area, and disappearing for hours without us being able to find him. Clearly, it adds a sense of freedom for parents; if the umbilical cord gets cut, head for the Flaik desk, and track the munchkins down!
Now, it’s not just kids that can end up in strange places; particularly in areas where off-trail skiing is allowed or encouraged, it’s relatively easy for someone to end up with a sprained knee, upside down in a snowdrift. Life threatening? Probably not. Uncomfortable and painful? Probably. In a worst case scenario, when your unit doesn’t come back at the end of the day, they could check, see where it is, and send someone to find out if it’s still attached to your leg; if it is, they could drag both of you out of the woods. It’s a nice safety net!
But, let’s face it…we all want to know how far we’ve gone, how fast, how many feet of vertical. And that’s where Flaik shines for adults. I used it under circumstances that didn’t exactly allow for speed testing; I was either following a lesson around to shoot photos, or was skiing in glades (mostly). But, even with those limitations I learned two really useful things. The first was that, unbeknownst to me, I’d skied part of the infamous “Black Hole” triple diamond trail at Smugglers’ Notch. Why is that important? Because when I skied it…well, I won’t say that I was scared, but I was certainly careful. And I thought I was on one of their doubles, instead. So, if I go back in 2011, instead of being petrified at the idea of the Black Hole, since I had my issues with what I thought was a double diamond, I’m actually looking forward to trying it again! In this case, like the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz, I found courage from what was in me…I just needed to know that I had it! Flaik, in this case, played the wizard, telling me that I’m better than I thought I was. That’s a major positive; so much of what we do comes from feeling that we CAN do it.
The second thing that it showed me was exactly where I’d been. Smuggs has a TON of unmarked glades, and the local that dragged me through some of them didn’t exactly carry a map. So, basically, I was lost all the time (which explains why I didn’t know I was skiing the Black Hole). But, I had a ball…I want to ski those glades again! Without the mapping that Flaik provides, I’d have about as much chance of finding them as…well, as our 18-year-old has of finding a clue. Less than zero. Now, I went back today, 6 months later, and looked at my skiing for the day on the Flaik website, and I remember. It’s like a rental clue! Dreams do come true.
Okay, back to being serious for a moment. Having tried the Flaik, I’m of the opinion that every parent who worries about where their kids are should use them whenever they can; peace of mind so that you can enjoy your day on the mountain is priceless. For adults, it’s got two uses. If you’re new to a mountain that has them available, rent one…ski, then look back at your day. You may be surprised, and you’ll certainly know a lot more about how the mountain is laid out for day two, making the best of your precious time (and lift ticket dollars). Two, if you really want to know how far, how fast, how far down you go, there’s nothing else that can do it for you…and provide the proof for bragging rights with your friends! Personal belief? Tremblant is a mountain that, for one reason or another, I’ve never skied…and you can bet the farm that when I do go, I’ll be renting a Flaik on day one.