2 Responses

  1. avatar
    Diane Frigon at |

    The challenges of getting to Stratton Book Hut are well worth facing in order to have these wonderful wilderness experiences. Your descriptions of your trip made me feel like I was there. Oh, that’s right…I was! And I am looking forward to more of these incredible outdoor excursions!

  2. avatar
    Lisa at |

    What a wonderful treat the Stratton Brook Hut was after enduring “Newton’s Revenge” (aptly named). I very much enjoyed this article. Having been there, the tone, pace and descriptive detail rings true to the experience I enjoyed by being there. I’m still savoring all that the Stratton Brook Hut experience offers: it’s warm, inviting, challenging, satisfying, and restorative not just for the body but the body and the soul. The views from within the “hut” of the snow falling and the wind blowing while we sat in the fire’s warmth and the warmth of kindred spirits will long warm my memories. BTW, this new Nordic skier with a pack on her back ended up snowshoeing down! 🙂


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